TagoIO IoT Platform

TagoIO offers an end-to-end platform that transforms how businesses create value from connected products and user interactions. Different from other providers that demand high-level skills to create a solution, TagoIO requires minimum effort for setup and operation. Under the PaaS model, TagoIO provides all the functionalities to perform: device management, data storage, real-time data visualization, user management, custom analytics, and notifications. 

YuDash is hardware partner and System Integrator of TagoIO. YuDash LYNX is a certified Integrated device

YuDash LYNX to TagoIO IoT platform

The integration of YuDash LYNX with TagoIO IoT platform is explained through the video. An energy meter and analog input source is read and data sent to TagoIO IoT platform through MQTT. Basic understanding of TagoIO IoT platform and YuDash LYNX is required. Please refer to respective documentation for specific details.

(1) References to TagoIO Documentation

  • Device creation in TagoIO
  • Device Token in TagoIO
  • TagoIO MQTT Broker Details

(2) References to YuDash Documentation

  • LYNX User Manual